Login Page
Welcome to our Global Profiles System (GPS)
 If you are a first-time user, please log in with the Email Address and Password, or Access Code, provided to you by your Administrator, Consultant, Coach or Trainer.
If you have reached this site and do not have an Email Address and Password, or Access Code, then please contact the Administrator who referred you to this site.
If you do not have an Administrator, Consultant, Coach or Trainer then please contact Life Associates and The Center for Managing By Values directly for further assistance via email: info@centerformbv.com or by phone (239) 947-1111
Registered users, please enter your email
address and password.
If you are entering this site with an Access Code, please enter it in the field below.
Some organizations monitor Internet transmissions between their private network and the Internet. If a transmission contains certain content, or is directed to a web-site that is not included in the organization's list of approved sites, it is blocked. This can adversely affect communications between your Browser and the web-site. If you experience abnormal behavior when accessing the GPS web-site, please contact your network administrator and ask them to verify that traffic to/from www.gpsprofiles.com is not being blocked, before reporting the problem to your GPS Administrator.
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